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Membership Renewal

To renew online click here.

50 States Marathon Club
PO Box 15638
Houston, TX  77220-5638

Name ________________________________________  Date of birth ___________________

Address _____________________________________________              Sex (M/F)  ________   

City __________________________________ State_________ Zip Code _______________

Primary phone _________________________   Other  phone ___________________________

Email address _______________________________________________________________

Occupation (or retired from)  _____________________________________________________

Okay to list email on web site? Y/N  ____       Okay to list state on web site? Y/N   ____

Newsletter delivery (circle one) Email Mail Both (Non US residents and Lifetime Members will be emailed .)

You may pay your dues in advance for the next few years if you would like.

_____  Annual dues    (1 yr = $10, 2 yr = $20, 3 yr = $30, etc.)  

_____ Lifetime Membership $100    **Lifetime membership includes yearly newsletters emailed, member benefits, and member must purchase finisher trophy   
Do not choose this option if you are close to finishing the states.                             

_____  Donation                                              

_____  Total  (due by 5/1/24 )
Make check payable to: 50 States
Marathon Club

Marathons completed           ______                      Continents completed                 _______
Ultras completed                    ______                     Canadian provinces completed _______
Total marathons/ultras          ______                     Non USA countries completed  _______
States completed                  ______   for the 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th, time (circle)       


Complete this section if you have completed the states, the continents, Canada and/or Australia

Date and location of completion of ALL 50 US states
1st time _____________________________ 2nd time ________________________________
3rd time _____________________________ 4th time _________________________________

Additional times _______________________________________________________________

Date and location of completion of ALL 7 continents
1st time ______________________________________________________________________

Additional times _______________________________________________________________

Date and location of completion of ALL 13 Canadian provinces & territories
1st time ______________________________________________________________________

Additional times ________________________________________________________________

Date and location of completion of ALL 8 Australian states & territories
1st time ______________________________________________________________________

Additional times _______________________________________________________________

Fill this out! We use this info to choose people to profile

Personal Profile for _________________________ (name) _____________________ (date)

Years marathoning   ____________                                      Age at your first marathon   __________

Which Marathon have you completed the most number of times? Over what length of time? Why is this marathon the one you've done the most? _______________________________________________

Why did you choose to join the 50 States Marathon Club instead of just completing the states on your own? _______________________________________________________________________

Describe any cross-training you do and how it improves your marathons. ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

At what store would you choose to max out your credit card and why? __________________________

What is your usual weekly training plan? ________________________________________________

And what do you actually run each week? _______________________________________________

What is something that makes you stand out in a crowd? ____________________________________

Which 50 staters do you marathon with the most often? _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

What is the best pre-race meal and at which marathon did you have it? _________________________

What is the best post-race meal and at which marathon did you have it? ________________________

What advice would you give to a new member of the club? __________________________________

Complete this sentence. When I cross the finish line I _______________________________________

Personal Bests (PB or PR):
Marathon __________________________________ finish time_______________ date______________
Ultra ______________________________________finish time________________date______________

Personal Worsts (PW):
Marathon __________________________________ finish time_______________ date______________
Ultra ______________________________________finish time________________date______________

Please return renewal form and profile to:
  50 States Marathon Club, PO Box 15638, Houston, TX 77220-5638